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  • Writer's picturematt shehorn

Mobile Homeowners - Hurricane Season Starts June 1 in Florida (Here are some tips)

Updated: Mar 22

Hurricane season is right around the corner, and it’s important to make sure your mobile home is up to date and up to code before the season starts. Starting June 1st, Florida is at risk of hurricanes and other extreme weather, so getting your mobile home inspected and prepped is essential for avoiding costly repairs or worse.

Mobile homes are much more vulnerable to storm damage than traditional housing, and it’s estimated that out of the 1 million mobile homes in Florida, around 750,000 of them are not up to code. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your roof, windows, tie-downs, car ports, and all exterior elements are up to date and up to code before hurricane season begins.

Most home improvement contractors offer free inspections that can check for things like piers not being shimmed, anchors not tightly fastened, car ports not being strapped, and loose roof shingles. Taking advantage of these free inspections is a great way to make sure your mobile home is ready for hurricane season.

In addition to free inspections, there are also several government resources available to mobile home owners. Organizations like the FMO, FMHA, and FEMA offer plenty of resources to help prepare for hurricane season.

At Florida Vapor Barrier, we recommend buying spray foam and caulk to seal off any holes, cracks, or leaks before the hurricane season. This is an inexpensive and easy way to protect your home from the elements. If you would rather have us come out and inspect your home, we are happy to do so, and we can also provide referrals to other contractors who offer free inspections.

Preparation is key when it comes to hurricane season, so make sure to get your mobile home inspected and prepped before June 1st. Florida Vapor Barrier is here to help you make sure your home is ready for whatever Mother Nature throws at it.

Mobile Home Tips & Tricks


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